Here´s a link to a playlist on Youtube with my students playing Heavy Metal tunes in a new fashion.
It was a fun project to do and I´m sure I will do it again sometime.
jazz, saxophone, music, teaching
Here´s a link to a playlist on Youtube with my students playing Heavy Metal tunes in a new fashion.
It was a fun project to do and I´m sure I will do it again sometime.
På lördag 9/3 blir det drabbning igen på restaurang telegrafen i Helsingborg.
Kl 15-18 spelar vi en massa häärrrlig musik!
Förutom jag blir det Måns Persson på gitarr och PA Tollbom på trummor. Basisten har nu bekräftats som Sebastian Nordström.
Välkomna ska ni vara!!
16th of September it´s finally time to play the piece I comissioned Anna-Lena Laurin to write for Organic Vibes and Helsingborgs Symphony Orchestra. The piece is named Persephone. We are all very excited to play this.
Take a look in the program for Helsingborgs Concert hall.